Plinky Prompt: What Would You Do with a Six-Month Break from Work?

Kimberley aerial 2

This question is way too easy to answer. If I had a six-month break from work I would travel around Australia, with particular emphasis on Western Australia. I would need a bit of money also, because that would enable me to do so.

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Plinky Prompt: What’s Going to be Different in 2012?

1997 Toyota Starlet Life

Last year I only had a car for limited periods of time. Lord-willing, this year I’ll have a car for the entire year. So apart from the obvious point of having a car, I’ll have the ability to get around to many more places more regularly. So a lot should be different this year. All that has to happen now is for all of those differences to materialize.

Note: The car in the image is not mine.

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Plinky Prompt: The Most Important Thing I Learned This Year

Interesting, 01

This will be a lesson I should have learnt some time ago, but seemingly forgot. It’s a really simple lesson really, though apparently easily forgotten. Simply put – don’t over commit at work. Certainly, work to the appropriate level, not denying that – just don’t over do it. What I mean is, putting in a heap of extra hours doesn’t do your health any good – physically, mentally, etc. So keep the job in perspective and in balance with the rest of life.

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Plinky Prompt: What I’ll Remember Most About 2011

View from the Grand High Tops

This is a difficult question to answer – because there has not really been any ‘big’ events or happenings in my life this year (that I can remember anyway). I must lead a really boring life – which is probably true.

I guess the thing I will most remember, for the next little while anyway, will be the last month of the year. I have been on vacation from work for the entire month of December and have had a great time travelling around the state – well northern NSW anyhow. It has been just the break I have needed and will perhaps save my sanity for a bit.

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Plinky Prompt: Name One of the Best Decisions You’ve Ever Made


One of the best decisions I have made, if not the best, was to resign from my job after 20 years of work there. I moved on and now work in a lesser paid job – however, my health has improved across the board as a result and I am far happier now than I was back then. I no longer work the excessive hours and have more time to do my own thing. What’s not to like.

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Plinky Prompt: What Non Profit Organizations Do You Support? Would You Ever Start Your Own?


I don’t have any non profit organizations that I support on a regular basis. I do support various non profit organizations from time to time, but it tends to be a bit all over the shop.

I have supported such environmental organizations as Bush Heritage Australia and WWF, among others. I have also supported Compassion and other similar organizations from time to time, such as when the appeal went out for assistance during the tsunami crisis on Boxing Day a few years ago.

I do have an interest, should I have access to any money, to start a foundation-type organization for diabetes research and support. The reason for this interest is that a dear friend died a few years ago who suffered badly from diabetes.

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Plinky Prompt: Summarize 2011 with one Sentence for each Month of the Year

2011: A Tiring Year.


I don’t think I can really answer this quite the way I am supposed to. Reason – can’t remember that far back to provide accurate answers for each month.

What I can do is describe the year 2011 with one word – tiring. I found this year to be extremely tiring. I was never able to feel anything but tired all of the time and I don’t mean as in tired – sleep. I mean tired as in exhausted tired.

I don’t believe it was a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) tiredness either – which has seriously been a problem for me over many years in the past. There was probably an element of that in it, but I think (hope perhaps) I am largely over that now.

So 2011 – tiring. Or if you prefer, exhausting.

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