Westboro Baptist Church: Fred Phelps is Dead

The link below is to an article that takes a look at the death of Fred Phelps and his twisted legacy.

For more visit:

USA: Westboro Baptist Church – Granddaughters Flee Church

The link below is to an article reporting on the departure of two granddaughters of Westboro Baptist Church pastor Fred Phelps from the controversial church.

For more visit:

Westboro Baptist Church in Court

Hate-centred church, Westboro Baptist Church, has been at court defending its right to free speech.

See more at:




The footage below is an undercover expose of the Westboro Baptist Church operation in Topeka, Kansas:

BELOW: A documentary in eight parts on Westboro Baptist Church:


According to the cultic Westboro Baptist Church, God hates Australia and the evidence of this is the bushfires that have ravaged Victoria in recent weeks. No doubt they would also point to the floods as further evidence of God’s hatred for Australia. The message of the Westboro Baptist Church is a distortion of the Bible’s teaching and message, and is also a misrepresentation of the true church’s approach to society.

Sadly this church holds to Calvinistic doctrines (as I do), but this does not mean that all Calvinistic believers are of the same mind and practice as Westboro Baptist Church. They are a disgrace to the Doctrines of Grace.

The ‘church’ intended to picket the National Day of Mourning Service at Rod Laver Arena today as shown in this news release:


The full message of Fred Phelps about the bushfires can be found at (look for the report on the 12/02/2009):


Also click on the map of Australia (for more of their message) at:


See also:



View a report on the Westboro Baptist Church’s views:


I thought it was time to highlight the Westboro Baptist Church in the United States. This is a church that I believe has gone way too far in its condemnation of homosexuality.

Yes, I do believe that the Bible (and therefore God) condemns the homosexual lifestyle and way of life. It is a practice that the Bible clearly condemns and no one who reads the Bible can escape the clarity of its condemnation of homosexual sinfulness. As such, all attempts to bring the practice of homosexuality into the church as an acceptable alternative lifestyle are clearly anti-Biblical and anti-Christian.

Yet it is my contention that the Westboro Baptist Church goes way too far in the way that it condemns homosexuality and it seems to make attacking homosexuality as one of its most central tenets. This would seem to me to be an overbalanced position that has caused the church to loose a more balanced approach to homosexual sin, let alone the presentation of the gospel to sinful men and women.

The holier-than-thou approach of the Westboro Baptist Church is evidenced all over the church’s web site and even the site’s domain name of www.godhatesfags.com is a clear indication of what you would expect to find on the site.

The church declares that the 9/11 attacks were the result of God’s punishment on America for condoning the homosexual lifestyle. In one photo there is a slogan carried on a banner that reads, ‘Thank God for AIDS’ and another that reads ‘Pray for more dead soldiers.’ There is a plethora of similar sentiment on the web site and in its sermonic materials.

The Blog site for the church is also full of the rants and raves of this church and I’m sure you will be appalled at the diatribes contained within it.

Visit the web site of the church at:


The Westboro Baptist Church Blog site at:


As a humorous aside, you may like to have a look at ‘The Chaser’s Way on Everything’ and its dig at the Westboro Baptist Church at: