Article: Church Fakes Kidnapping to Teach Persecution

The link below is to an article that reports on a fake kidnapping scenario in Pennsylvania, in the USA – carried out to teach persecution to students. Perhaps it really taught how stupid some people can be and now a number of people face jail terms.

For more visit:

Plinky Prompt: Share the Most Dangerous Thing You've Ever Done For Fun


Hmmm, I generally play it safe I have to admit – but occasionally I do do something stupid and/or dangerous during my normal activities. This generally happens when I’m out bushwalking, though I find myself being more cautious these days.

Some of the most dangerous situations I have found myself in while bushwalking have been when trying to ascend/descend waterfalls. I have fallen on several occasions now and on one occasion suffered some injuries that required me to abandon the rest of my walk/climb on that day.

On another occasion I fell and landed far too close to what was effectively a spear, right beside by throat.

Some falls like these do tend to lead you to more caution in future times.

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When I was recovering from the injuries I sustained in my car accident earlier this year, I tried to watch as much of the Indian Premier League Twenty20 competition as I could. One night while waiting for the cricket to come on, I happened across a particularly stupid program called ‘Balls of Steel.’ This is a comedy show on television which is really quite crude and not very funny anyway (in my opinion). What I saw first up was the following clip based on ‘The Pain Men.’ It has to be seen to be believed – unbelievable what some people will do to try and get a laugh.