Tajikistan: Persecution News Update

The link below is to an article reporting on persecution news from Tajikistan, where a young Christian girl has been repeatedly abused and beaten by her own family.

For more visit:

Marrying Young?

The link below is to an article that appeared in Christianity Today concerning early marriage and the Christian. It’s probably a little simplistic and clearly ‘self-centred (and I don’t mean that in a bad sense here).’ Any thoughts out there on early marriage and the Christian – would love to read them in the comments.

For more visit:

Malaysian Sharia Law Outrage as Man Plans to Marry Young Girl He Raped

The link below is to an article that reports on a crime that is being pushed aside under Sharia Law in Malaysia.

For more visit:

Pakistan: Latest Persecution News

The link below is to an article reporting on the latest news concerning the persecution of a young disabled girl in Pakistan.

For more visit:

Pakistan: Latest Persecution News Regarding Young Disabled Girl

The link below is to an article with the latest news on the young Christian girl being persecuted in Pakistan.

For more visit:

Pakistan: Latest on Persecution of Disabled Girl

The link below is to an article with the latest news on the persecution of a young disabled girl in Pakistan.

For more visit:

Pakistan: Latest Persecution News

The link below is to an article with more news on the young disabled girl being persecuted in Pakistan.

For more visit:

Pakistan: More Persecution News

The link below is to an article reporting on the horrific persecution, torture and murder of a young Christian boy in Pakistan.

For more visit:

Pakistan: Persecution News

The link below is to an article reporting on the persecution of a young disabled girl in Pakistan, where there are calls for the 11-year-old to be burnt to death in public.

For more visit:

Latest Persecution News – 27 May 2012

Pakistani Christian Accused of ‘Blasphemy’ after Billiards Dispute

The following article reports on the latest news of persecution in Pakistan, where police have charged a young Christian man with blasphemy after an argument with Muslims following a billiards game.



The articles linked to above are by Compass Direct News and  relate to persecution of Christians around the world. Please keep in mind that the definition of ‘Christian’ used by Compass Direct News is inclusive of some that would not be included in a definition of Christian that I would use or would be used by other Reformed Christians. The articles do however present an indication of persecution being faced by Christians around the world.